Chinese language text book at Nanjing University.
Foreign Language Placement exams are administered at the Language Lab of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (also referred to as the Laundry 214 Lab). The lab is located in room 214 of the old campus Laundry Building, located at 2341 Katherine Stinson Drive. Exams are administered using the Computer Adaptive Placement Exam (CAPE) series from Brigham Young University to place students in Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. The exams test the grammatical knowledge, as well as the reading comprehension of the student. Exam results and class placement is administered by the College’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Additional information about the exam requirements and details can be found on their website.
Please read below for answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding these placment exams. If your questions are not answered, please feel free to contact our Lab Staff.
Where can I take the test?
Tests are administered ONLY at the Language Lab located in room 214 of the Language and Computer Labs building. This building is located at the corner of Stinson Drive and Current Drive (2341 STINSON DR).
What tests do you administer?
We offer tests in Chinese, French, German, Latin and Spanish.
What if I want to take a test that is not listed above?
You will need to contact the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures to arrange a test. It may be written or verbal.
When can I take the test?
You may take the test at any time the lab is open. Keep in mind that the lab is only open when classes are in session — it is closed during holidays and class breaks.
How much does it cost?
The test is free.
How many times can I take a test?
You may take only ONE test per language. No matter the length of time, students are only allowed to take one test for each language. However, you are allowed to take more than one test as long as it is for a different language (i.e. you can take a Spanish and French test, but are not allowed to take two Spanish tests).
What should I bring with me?
Please bring a photo ID (preferably your student ID) and your nine-digit student ID number.
How long does the test usually take?
The test usually takes between 20-30 minutes, but varies for each test taker. Once the test is started, you have to finish it. Please plan to stay for around 45 minutes to 1 hour. There is no time limit.
When do I get my scores?
You will receive a printout of your scores and your course placement immediately after completing the placement test.
What do I do with my scores?
You will need to keep your printout and take it with you on the first day of your foreign language class.
What is the test like?
The test is multiple-choice reading comprehension. It focuses on verbal, grammar, and reading skills. There are no oral or auditory components to the test.
I have already taken a foreign language placement test, but have lost my scores. What do I do?
You may request a re-print of your score in person at our lab. Please bring a photo ID (preferably your student ID) and your nine-digit student ID number.
Please refer to the Department of Foreign Language and Literatures website.